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Agnese Guya

Agnese Guya

Online Italian and Spanish Teacher

Professional, reliable and passionate about teaching. Offering an involving and stimulating way of learning. Always adapting my teaching to the person.

Tutoring Experience

Experience in tutoring high-school students in English, German, Spanish.

Tutoring Approach

A teacher should never stop learning himself.

LanguagesItalian, English (British), Spanish, French
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Swansea University2019MastersTranslation and Interpreting
Universitá degli Studi di Milano2016BachelorsLinguistic and Cultural Mediation
Istituto Superiore Cesare Balbo 2012CollegeMaturitá Linguistica
Agnese Guya
Rating from 2 references


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