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Online French and Latin Tutoring

I'm passionate about learning and education; I believe in meeting every student where they are to help them achieve their goals in their subject. I am currently a second-year Geography student at Royal Holloway University and have been tutoring for close to three years.

Tutoring Experience

I have 200 hours of tutoring experience covering:
Edexcel and AQA A-Level Geography
OCR and AQA GCSE Geography
Edexcel and AQA GCSE French
KS3 Geography, French and Latin
English as a Foreign Language
I have a broad understanding of teaching to students' individual goals as well as to different exam board specifications. I have worked as a Teaching Assistant in a primary school with a number of different year groups and can teach to a broad range of abilities and ages.

Tutoring Approach

I believe in working with the student to find teaching methods that suit them, using combinations of teaching, recall practice, working on effective revision methods and planning and answering practice questions.
As well as tutoring, I also offer services marking practice papers.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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Norton Knatchbull School2022SchoolA-Level Geography
Towers School2020SchoolFrench
Norton Knatchbull School2019SchoolGeography
Norton Knatchbull School2019SchoolPhysics
Norton Knatchbull School2019SchoolChemistry
Norton Knatchbull School2019SchoolMaths
Norton Knatchbull School2020SchoolLatin
Norton Knatchbull School2019SchoolGCSE Geography

Kalin's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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