Do you have any experience of tutoring?
I have been tutoring students of all ages for the last 7 years. Please follow the above link to see my feedback from students and parents.
Why should you hire me as your tutor?
As you can see my background enables me to identify and diagnose effectibely where a student has a weakness in their understanding and my breadth of knowledge allows me to use a wide range of resources to help support a student in thier learning.
How much does it cost?
Cost vary depending on need and subject as well as age. I generally charge bewteen £15 an hour to £30 an hour.
What is the most important thing my child can do to help them improve ?
Simple. Reading fiction. It is proven both for their academic progress and for their mental well being.
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.
- Specific Plan for each child
- Take on board children's preferred learning styles.
- Regular assessment & feedback
- Friendly and relaxed atmosphere
- Innovative teaching style (use of drama techniques to understand Shakespeare)
- Good bank of Resources available.
Languages | English (British), Hindi, Swahili, Urdu |
Availability | Weekends |
References Available | On File |
Birmingham University | 2001 | PGCE | Certificate in Education | |
Sheffield University | 1999 | Bachelors | BSc Psychology | |
Cadbury 6th Form | 1993 | College | 3 A Levels | |
Phoenix Training Services | 2014 | Other | Emergency First Aid |
Feedback | |
Published feedback | |
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative) | 1 |