Blog Posts tagged Tutor

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Can I afford a tutor for my child?

by Anna Michaelidou

Hiring a private tutor is a great way to help your child improve academically and the rise in parents seeking the help of a private tutor is astonishing. The way in which children are being taught has changed a lot since our grandparents, parents, or even we were at school. It used to be that a chil...

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Today In History

by Sarah Adams
1930 Dr. Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin, second man to walk on the moon was born.

Buzz was an American engineer and former astronaut, and the second person to walk on the Moon. He was the Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing in history.

1820 Anne Clough, promoter of higher educat...Read more ›

First Tutors shortlisted as Best SME in the Working Mums Awards!

by First Tutors

We're very excited to announce we've been short-listed as Best SME in the Working Mums Awards for good employers. For those of you who don't know Working Mums, the website does exactly what it says and helps mums to find opportunities for flexible work. We know that a lot of our tutors rely on First...

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Wondering how much private tuition hourly fees are on average?

by Admin

Here's our data on how much families paid for private tutors in the last academic year in towns across the UK and for those of you who love a bit of detail, here's the full summary breakdown on how much the hourly fees cost for primary v. secondary, and where it is cheapest and most expensive, etc.....

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Lecture by Prof Judith Ireson from The IOE at The Tutors Association

by Gerry

First Tutors attended the first AGM of the The Tutors Association last week.

Prof Judith Ireson from the Institute of Education gave a very interesting talk on what research to date shows are the key outcomes parents are looking for from private tutoring: increases in understanding, confidence, per...

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