Blog Posts tagged Tutor

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5 signs it's time to finish with your tutor

by Anna Michaelidou

Choosing the right tutor is always a difficult task when trying to find a tutor that will not only connect with your child but ensure that they are successful in helping them learn. However, finding the tutor is not always enough and in some cases the tutor you hire may not be doing the right job wi...

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How to help sensitive children. Best tutor tips

by Anna Michaelidou

Parenting a child that is sensitive can be both rewarding and exhausting. Children that are sensitive are often emotionally overwhelmed easily and can often be viewed as shy or introverted. How parents, teachers and tutors interact or react to sensitive children determines their reaction to differen...

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5 Tips to Manage School Stress

by Anna Michaelidou

School can be a stressful place for any child. Often going back to school after a half-term break or a long holiday can be hard for a child. Getting back into a routine, knowing they will have homework and early nights again can make a child feel stressed. Expectations of children are higher than ev...

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#RevisionCalm – First Tutors Competition

by Anna Michaelidou

The half-term is is now over and the race towards exam-time has begun. Spring will soon arrive and with it brings the air of preparing for those upcoming, important exams.

Some may say that February is too early to start stressing about exams, while others will already have their revision timetab...

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How to encourage children to love reading; a parent's view

by Anna Michaelidou

Children are amazing. Their little brains soak up new information so easily they put us adults to shame. New vocabulary is fundamental to a child's learning. And it's also wonderfully satisfying when your child comes home from school and tells you all about their day using new words they have learnt...

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