Blog Posts tagged Tutor

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Customer services and online writing/marketing opportunities

by Anita

Dear customers,

We're looking for new talent to help us take First Tutors forward!

Would you be interested in:

- Answering customer enquiries by email (this would be families or tutors looking for help) - Moderating our forums (allowing and blocking some content where required)


A marketing ...

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Educational day out: National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth

by Emily

Taking the kids for a day out which is fun and educational at the same time needn't be fishy business if you head to the National Marine Aquarium!

The National Marine Aquarium is based in Plymouth and is actually the largest aquarium in the UK. Not only that, but it was also the first aquarium in t...

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Educational Days Out: The Observatory Science Centre, East Sussex

by Emily

Many of us visit the Sussex coast during the summer holidays for its beaches. Why not combine your stay in Sussex with some educational fun as well?

The Observatory Science Centre in Hailsham, East Sussex has lots of interactive activities and equipment on hand for young astronomers and science fan...

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Killhope won’t kill your hope of fun

by Emily

Are you digging around for something for the family to do that's fun as well as educational? Well, why not take a pit stop in the mines of Killhope?

Killhope bills itself as "the North of England lead mining museum" and is a chance for families to find out first-hand what is was like to be a Victor...

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Excellent English tutors

by Emily

Many of us joke that speakers of English as a foreign language often speak better English than most English people. Unfortunately, when you compare the impeccable English of the Dutch or the Swedish with some of the dialogue you hear on English TV, you can't help but agree.

Poorly spoken TV present...

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