Blog Posts tagged Tutor

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Transitioning from GCSEs to A-levels

by Emily

The move from Year 11 to sixth form is really significant. For many pupils, this is the first time that they will be treated like an adult: no more school uniform and a greater degree of freedom. With this freedom of course comes extra responsibility and pressure. These tips can help your child prep...

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Does private tuition really boost exam grades?

by Anita

We're delighted to say, that of the families we surveyed after this year's GCSE and A-Level results, 80% said that they believe private tuition definitely helped them improve their grades.

And to back it up, we asked the families we surveyed to outline their estimated grades and actual grades to ...

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Preparing for university

by Emily

If your child is off to university this autumn, then the whole family need to do a lot of preparation. It's important to have some frank and open chats with your student child as they prepare for their first taste of independent life.

Here are our five top tips to help your child prepare for univer...

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Private pupils achieve the most A* grades

by Emily

As the nation's teenagers recover from the stress of receiving their A-level results, the latest figures reveal that half the A-levels taken by pupils at independent schools in the UK were graded A or A* this year, according to figures from the sector.

According to the Independent Schools Council (...

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Preparing your child for A-levels

by Emily

With competition for university places getting steeper, the pressure on A-level students is more intense than ever before. So how can you prepare your child for sixth form without stressing them out? Here are a few of our top tips:

1. Your child may have mixed feelings about their A-levels before ...

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