Blog Posts tagged Tutor

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How to tell if tutoring is working: A guide for parents

by Anita Naik

Measuring tutoring's effectiveness isn't always easy. While key indicators can include higher grades and stronger confidence levels, it pays to know how to track your child's progress so they get the most out of their sessions. Knowing if tutoring is working isn't always easy, so it's essential to ...

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What's better, online or face-to-face tutoring?

by Anita Naik

When deciding between online and face-to-face tutoring for your child, you need to consider several factors. That said, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. The best choice depends on your child's unique needs, preferences, and circumstances. Don't be afraid to experiment and adjust as you go. Here'...

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How a maths and physics GCSE tutor can help your child

by Anita Naik

According to sources, the hardest GCSEs to achieve a 9 or 8 are Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. These subjects often require a high level of critical thinking, complex concepts, and a broad understanding of the material to reach the top grades.

In 2024, five percent of GCSE entries for math...

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How to support your child's learning at home

by Anita Naik

It's back to school this week, and whether your child is approaching SATs, starting secondary or heading towards GCSE and A-levels, it pays to know how to support this for the 2023/24 academic year.

John Hattie's seminal study, Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Ach...

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5 online resources for 13+ (Common Entrance Exam)

by Emily

The last main gatepost of the entrance exam world is the Common Entrance Exam for children aged 13. Normally taken by pupils whose junior schools go up to age 12, this is also a very popular exam amongst boarding schools. Here are some resources to help you and your budding teen conquer the Common E...

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