Blog Posts tagged Tuition

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Scotland's 2011 exam results. Congratulations to Scottish students!

by Sara

First Tutors would like to congratulate the young Scottish students who have received their much awaited exam results. Well done!

Today, Education Secretary Mike Russell praised the hard work and achievement of young people across Scotland. Although the number of young people sitting exams has fall...

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A-Level Biology

by Sara

Demand for one-to-one private tuition for A-Level Biology stands at second place (after Maths) on our search statistics this week.

Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms together with their characteristics and behaviours. How species and individuals com...

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Obtaining a place at Grammar school

by Sara

Obtaining a place at Grammar school is not easy, much depends on the number of places apportioned to each school. Local Authorities confirm their decisions in February before the beginning of the new September term, so there is time to appeal a decision.

Many pupils take the 11 + exams but sadly on...

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What makes a good tutor?

by Sara

One reason students and parents turn to one to one tuition is the lack of attention the average teacher is able to provide in a standard classroom setting.

A competent tutor has the acuity to communicate their passion for learning while being a patient, understanding and trustworthy person. It is n...

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Exams? Start preparing NOW!

by Sara

In a few months time exam season will be here but fortunately there is still plenty of time to prepare for those stressful weeks ahead. What with essay writing, finding a revision strategy, preparing coursework or university applications, the list seems endless.

We all know how hard it can be to ...

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