Blog Posts tagged Tuition

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Maths problems - Dyscalculia

by Sara
What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia comes from Greek and Latin which means: "counting badly". The Greek prefix "dys" means "badly" and the Latin word Calculia comes from "calculare" which means "to count".

Dyscalculia is considered to be a learning disability involving the inability to understand m...

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First Tutors cited in the BBC News Magazine!

by Sara

The BBC News Magazine gave a mention to First Tutors this week, in their article "The great school place sausage machine."

Although the article is centered on the difficulties and methods of entering a child into a good school, we would like to emphasize the main reasons why parents choose one to o...

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The Pros and Cons of Online Tuition

by Sara

Many articles have been written about the disadvantages of online tuition. Parents and students have a natural tendency to assume that online tuition can hardly match face to face tuition. Our experience reveals that much depends on what subject is being taught, the age of the student and if the stu...

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Resits - Making the decision

by Sara

Without venturing into a debate of whether exam resits are a good idea or not, the fact is, students who do have the opportunity to take resits will have to make their decision quite quickly. Many students may have fallen sick at exam time or simply could not cope with the stress at the end of the y...

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First Tutors Struck by Lightning - Literally!

by Sara

Many of our users will have noticed that our website was down during Sunday evening and most of Monday too. We would like to apologise for the inconveniences caused but regrettably the issues where out of our control. One of Amazon's cloud transformers located in Dublin was struck by lightning on Su...

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