Blog Posts tagged Teacher

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Exam revision: Memorise with mnemonics

by Emily

It helps to have all sorts of tips and tricks up your sleeve when it comes to exam revision. Using varied techniques keeps things interesting and keeps you and your brain engaged and on your toes.

One of the most commonly used memory aids is mnemonics. A mnemonic device is a verbal mind memory lear...

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Debate of the week: Teaching patience

by Emily

According to a leading figure in the education industry, a culture of "instant gratification" is making today's schoolchildren harder to teach.

John Dunford, the general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, which represents secondary school heads, made the claim at the associ...

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Making a drama out of a confidence crisis

by Emily

Drama class can be a real 'love-it-or-hate-it' experience for students. They tend to either thrive on the attention and relish performance, or else are struck dumb with fear at the thought of performing in front of their peers. For many it is also hard to see the academic value in a subject which, t...

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Wasted money training Scottish teachers

by Emily

According to the Scottish Labour party, more than £60m has been squandered on training teachers in Scotland who are still looking for work. Only one in seven qualified teachers has actually found work after being trained, and the party says that the cost of teacher training programmes is a waste of ...

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Two to Quango?

by Emily

The Centre for Policy Studies has recommended that two thirds of the current educational Quasi-Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisations (Quangos) be scrapped.

Educational Quangos are responsible for the development of the exam system, curricula and teacher training among other aspects, meaning the...

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