Blog Posts tagged Skills

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The importance of extracurricular activities

by Grace Dickins

There is a lot of pressure on children to succeed at school nowadays that sometimes extracurricular activities can fall by the wayside. However, there is a growing amount of evidence to indicate these activities are very important to a child's development.

Social skills

School groups can be rather...

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6 tips on how to help your child develop their handwriting skills

by Anna Michaelidou

Handwriting is one of those amazing skills that children learn with practice and patience. It is a difficult and challenging skill to master but an important one; and there are plenty of ways to ensure your child develops their handwriting in a smooth and fun way.

Practising is key to the dev...

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New reading test for primary school children

by Sara

In a couple of months time a new reading test for six-year-olds will be introduced that has fired much a debate between language experts and teaching unions.

The purpose of the check will be to confirm that all pupils have learned phonic decoding to an age-appropriate standard. Children who do not ...

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Resits - Making the decision

by Sara

Without venturing into a debate of whether exam resits are a good idea or not, the fact is, students who do have the opportunity to take resits will have to make their decision quite quickly. Many students may have fallen sick at exam time or simply could not cope with the stress at the end of the y...

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Improve your IT skills

by Sara

IT (Information Technology) is a term that we use to refer to an entire industry. An IT department in a company will set up computer systems, select what hardware and software is needed and install or repair when it goes wrong. Information technology is starting to spread further than the convention...

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