Blog Posts tagged Reading

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Top ten books for great half-term reading

by Anna Michaelidou

Half-term gives kids a great chance to catch-up on some great, fun, reading time. And with these adventure-packed, hilarious and heart-warming books, we guarantee your child won't get bored this break. Keep their minds sharp and boost their English skills with some of these fabulous new releases:

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Do the Classics put teenagers off reading?

by Sarah Adams

The Education Secretary Nicky Morgan and children's author David Walliams issue a call to publishers and schools to make English pupils Europe's most literate.

Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan argued that:

Books by Authors including Jane Austen and Charles Dickens should be made available for...

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New reading test for primary school children

by Sara

In a couple of months time a new reading test for six-year-olds will be introduced that has fired much a debate between language experts and teaching unions.

The purpose of the check will be to confirm that all pupils have learned phonic decoding to an age-appropriate standard. Children who do not ...

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Word power - 10 tips to improve vocabulary

by Sara

Words gradually enter a person's vocabulary over a long period of time. Having an extensive vocabulary can aid with expression and communication. Using accurate, strong and descriptive vocabulary in an English GCSE exam will help you gain extra marks!

Below are a few tips to help you extend your vo...

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As English grows in size, knowledge becomes more important

by Emily

If you've noticed an extraordinary amount of new English words in use over the past few years, you've noticed one of the most striking phenomena to hit the language in recent memory.

The English language has doubled in size over the last century, giving it an unprecedented level of growth.

That's ...

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