Blog Posts tagged Reading

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7 Tips for Connecting to Reading Material

by Grace Dickins

We've all been there: you read a passage, put the book down, and can't remember a single thing you just read. Unfortunately, not all academic texts are as exciting and accessible as the newest Stephen King novel, but you still need to get through them in order to succeed in school. So what's a blear...

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Reading Comprehension Exercises for Adults

by Sarah Adams

The ability to recall and understand the words of a text after reading them is paramount to the broadening of one's knowledge base. After all, the point of reading is to obtain meaningful information that you can then make use of. Reading comprehension skills can be improved upon whether you are in ...

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Everything Parents Should Know About Phonics

by Christine Chadwick

From the time you were young, you've probably heard the phrase "hooked on phonics." Chances are that you have a general understanding of what it means, but as far as being able to specifically describe what is and how it is used as a teaching tool...well, that understanding is a bit more sketchy for...

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5 tips for building reading skills

by Anna Michaelidou

Reading can often be a chore especially as children read at school so many don't want to read at home. Whether you are trying to encourage your child to read to build their reading and vocabulary skills, to open up the wonderful world of books and their benefits or whether they need to read for home...

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Our 10 Favourite Christmas Storybooks for children

by Anna Michaelidou

Christmas is a magical time for all ages; mince pies, stuffed turkey, presents under a beautifully decorated tree, monopoly and Christmas stories. Christmas just wouldn't feel the same without beautifully illustrated story books and words that take you to another place. From a young age I remember r...

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