Blog Posts tagged Private

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School performance 2011 - The truth!

by Sara

Last week, the Department for Education published data on more than 3,300 secondary schools' GCSE and A-Level exam results. Now parents have more information than ever about how their child's school is performing, this is an increase of data of 400 per cent than in 2010.

Performance tables for 20...

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Resits - Making the decision

by Sara

Without venturing into a debate of whether exam resits are a good idea or not, the fact is, students who do have the opportunity to take resits will have to make their decision quite quickly. Many students may have fallen sick at exam time or simply could not cope with the stress at the end of the y...

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Signs that may indicate your child needs a private tutor

by Sara

Many children who are struggling at school will suffer in silence, consequently their parents are unaware of their child's needs. Keeping a close eye on your child's reactions and behaviour can be the best way to monitor possible underlying problems with school work. Below are a few key signs that m...

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First Tutors Struck by Lightning - Literally!

by Sara

Many of our users will have noticed that our website was down during Sunday evening and most of Monday too. We would like to apologise for the inconveniences caused but regrettably the issues where out of our control. One of Amazon's cloud transformers located in Dublin was struck by lightning on Su...

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State school + private tutor?

by Sara

We are looking to create case studies regarding families who have decided to move their children from the private school sector to the state school sector and have decided to use the service of a private tutor to boost their child's academic performance in general or to help with certain subjects.

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