Blog Posts tagged Parents

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Lecture by Prof Judith Ireson from The IOE at The Tutors Association

by Gerry

First Tutors attended the first AGM of the The Tutors Association last week.

Prof Judith Ireson from the Institute of Education gave a very interesting talk on what research to date shows are the key outcomes parents are looking for from private tutoring: increases in understanding, confidence, per...

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Are you a part-time tutor and work at home mum? Tell us your story

by First Tutors

Are you a mum or dad and also a tutor with First Tutors? Do you love the flexibility and work-life balance that part time tutoring provides? Did you adjust quickly to home-work-family life? Has tutoring other children helped you understand your own children's needs?If you found a client through Firs...

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In the News: Headteachers weigh in

by Dexter Findley

There have been two recent articles critiquing private tuition ("Warning from headteachers as parents dig deep to fund boom in private tutors" The Guardian 26/04/13 and "Tutoring for two-year-olds?" The Telegraph 03/05/13), both of which relied on Headteachers to pose their criticisms.

Some of th...

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From Primary to Secondary School: The big step!

by Sara

The move from primary school to secondary school is a big step for your child. The secure and perhaps small environment of primary school where your child may feel like a big fish in a small pond will suddenly be exchanged for a large school building that can seem quite intimidating to many children...

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First Tutors feedback - from students and tutors

by Sara

We are delighted to publish feedback both from our students/parents and our tutors. The First Tutors team would like to thank all our users for taking the time to provide feedback. We strive to make our website as user-friendly as possible so please let us know if you think we could do even better!

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