Blog Posts tagged Motivation

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6 Ways To Get Your Child Motivated At School

by Anita Naik

"School is boring." "These tests don't matter." What's the point of algebra?" "I hate maths." These are just some of the many widespread protests students make about school. If this rings true in your house and you're not seeing the progress you know your child is capable of, here's how to get your ...

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How to Stay Motivated in an Online Class

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

Online classes offer a learner the option to take a class in the comfort of their own home. Online courses can be more convenient, more cost effective (depending on the course), and can offer the student learning at their own pace. These are just a few benefits of taking an online class. It's no won...

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Inspirational Quotes

by First tutors

As a tutor do you have a favourite quote to inspire and motivate your tutee?

Some of our favourites are:

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure" - General Colin Powell

"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems...

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