Blog Posts tagged Language

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Combat text speak with English tuition

by Emily

A good command of the English language is vital for success - not just at work, but in everyday life too. Unfortunately, many young people struggle with English and find themselves unable to spell, construct sentences or use grammar correctly. Some one to one tuition in English can help to correct a...

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Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 2

by Emily

Following on from Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 1, here are three more ways to ensure your child is going into their GCSE years with confidence:

1. Choose a good mix of subjects. For the first time in their academic career, your child actually has a say in which subjects they want to ...

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Excellent English tutors

by Emily

Many of us joke that speakers of English as a foreign language often speak better English than most English people. Unfortunately, when you compare the impeccable English of the Dutch or the Swedish with some of the dialogue you hear on English TV, you can't help but agree.

Poorly spoken TV present...

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Debate of the week: Losing in languages

by Emily

A survey released this week has revealed that fewer secondary schools in England are meeting government targets for foreign language tuition.

According to the National Centre for Languages (Cilt) only 40% of state schools meet the official target - which states that schools should have between 50% ...

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Massive rise in number of foreign students

by Emily

In the last ten years, the number of non-European students studying at UK universities has practically doubled according to a survey conducted by HE action group Universities UK. This figure takes into account both first degree and post-graduate enrolments.

The report's author Professor Geoffrey Cr...

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