Blog Posts tagged English

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English Literature: a classic A-level choice

by Emily

Competition for university places is particularly fierce, thanks in part to the new generation of A*grades coupled with a drop in available university places as funding for higher education decreases. As it becomes acutely important for candidates to stand out, hiring a personal tutor is an excellen...

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Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 2

by Emily

Following on from Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 1, here are three more ways to ensure your child is going into their GCSE years with confidence:

1. Choose a good mix of subjects. For the first time in their academic career, your child actually has a say in which subjects they want to ...

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GCSE pupils achieve record results

by Emily

First Tutors would like to wish all of our tutees the very best of luck as they collect their exam results today. Good luck as well to our tutors, who are probably just as nervous!

If national data is anything to go by, today's exam results should be the cause of celebration for many of our tutees ...

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Educational day out: Royal Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey

by Emily

Gunpowder isn't just for Guy Fawkes, you know. At the Royal Gunpowder Mills, in Waltham Abbey, Essex, you can found out all about the history of this explosive stuff!

The site used to be one of three Royal Gunpowder Mills in the UK but it is the only site to have survived intact for all of these ye...

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Excellent English tutors

by Emily

Many of us joke that speakers of English as a foreign language often speak better English than most English people. Unfortunately, when you compare the impeccable English of the Dutch or the Swedish with some of the dialogue you hear on English TV, you can't help but agree.

Poorly spoken TV present...

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