Blog Posts tagged English

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A word in the Bush is worth two in the hand

by Emily

Last week, we took a look at the world of embarrassment that was George "Dubya" Bush's use of the English language.

Few can argue that Bush Jr left a fine legacy from his presidency of the United States, and his unusual grasp of English is just one of the less than flattering things that he will be...

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It's called Bushisms... Or why George needs an English tutor

by Emily

It's amazing how many people manage to succeed in public life without having 'gotten to grips' with the English language. It seems pretty obvious that the ability to communicate clearly and even cleverly in English is a prerequisite for anybody hoping to get to a position of power and influence. Not...

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Discover the world of English literature

by Emily

Many students will associate reading great works of English literature with having to do exams on them come the end of term. Of course, it was never Virginia Woolf's intention to have To the Lighthouse form a part of an A-level English course. Admittedly this can deaden the impact of great literatur...

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Is your child considering what degree to take?

by Emily

If they enjoy literature, writing and discussions, your child might well enjoy and benefit from receiving tuition in preparation for a degree in English Literature.

English Literature is one of the classic degree subjects and is offered by all of the UK's top universities, which makes it a good opt...

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Combat text speak with English tuition

by Emily

A good command of the English language is vital for success - not just at work, but in everyday life too. Unfortunately, many young people struggle with English and find themselves unable to spell, construct sentences or use grammar correctly. Some one to one tuition in English can help to correct a...

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