Blog Posts under University

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Cuts to university places expected next year

by Emily

With A-level results right around the corner, many students' minds are turning to university. More than 660,000 people applied for a university place this year, up almost 12% on last year (which was itself a record-breaker, at 592,312 applications for 373,793 places).

The surge in university applic...

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Debate of the week: Degrees of separation

by Emily

Pupils and their parents should stop focusing on the traditional three-year undergraduate degree as the natural follow-on from secondary education, according to a speech given by Lord Mandelson this week.

Lord Mandelson, the Universities Secretary, said that more students than ever would be rejecte...

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Debate of the week: University funding cuts

by Emily

As higher education funding dominated the news agenda during the first decade of the millennium, so it does at the start of the next decade. Lord Mandleson has announced a shocking spending cut of £533m for universities in England, casting yet more despair amongst young people already wondering what...

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How to write an essay footnote

by Emily

Footnotes may not be the most exciting aspect of university level English or History, but they're a great way to demonstrate the research that has gone into an essay.

Footnotes have a variety of purposes, including providing an author's comments on the text, acknowledging referred works, and refere...

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New Oxford Vice-Chancellor proposes US-style scholarship system

by Emily

In his first interview as the soon-to-be Oxford University Vice-Chancellor, Andrew Hamilton has outlined his desire for a US-style scholarship system to encourage gifted, financially strapped students to apply to the top universities. This is a bold move for someone who has yet to be installed in hi...

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