Blog Posts under Tutor

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The 7 vital traits of a successful tutor

by Anna Michaelidou

Tutoring is a fast growing and often much needed addition to a child's education and comes with great responsibility. A private tutor is hired to provide a student with any extra support that they may need and to:

Build a student's confidence Help improve study skills Provide relevant and nec...Read more ›

5 signs it's time to finish with your tutor

by Anna Michaelidou

Choosing the right tutor is always a difficult task when trying to find a tutor that will not only connect with your child but ensure that they are successful in helping them learn. However, finding the tutor is not always enough and in some cases the tutor you hire may not be doing the right job wi...

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Online learning, what's the right option for you?

by Sara

What is online tuition?

Although online tuition has been around for some time now, it has become increasingly popular over the past few years. Tutors have brushed up their IT skills so they can comfortably use software programs and tools that online tuition requires such as VOIP (Skype), interactiv...

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Lecture by Prof Judith Ireson from The IOE at The Tutors Association

by Gerry

First Tutors attended the first AGM of the The Tutors Association last week.

Prof Judith Ireson from the Institute of Education gave a very interesting talk on what research to date shows are the key outcomes parents are looking for from private tutoring: increases in understanding, confidence, per...

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Are you a part-time tutor and work at home mum? Tell us your story

by First Tutors

Are you a mum or dad and also a tutor with First Tutors? Do you love the flexibility and work-life balance that part time tutoring provides? Did you adjust quickly to home-work-family life? Has tutoring other children helped you understand your own children's needs?If you found a client through Firs...

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