Blog Posts under Revision

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Sharpen your study skills

by Emily

It's one thing knowing that you need to study, but do you actually know how to do it?

Study skills are a relatively new addition to the curriculum, and indeed they may still not be taught in all schools. If you went to school some time ago then you may not even know what they are.

Study skills are...

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Exam revision audits

by Emily

Whether you're doing GCSE's, A-levels, Key Stage exams or degree exams, the finishing line is in sight. Even though you're nearly there, there is still some revision work that you can undertake to help boost your chances of success.

Around this time in the exam and revision process, it is really us...

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Exam revision: Memorise with mnemonics

by Emily

It helps to have all sorts of tips and tricks up your sleeve when it comes to exam revision. Using varied techniques keeps things interesting and keeps you and your brain engaged and on your toes.

One of the most commonly used memory aids is mnemonics. A mnemonic device is a verbal mind memory lear...

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How to use practice papers for your exams

by Emily

One of the most important and invaluable ways to practise for your exams is to use practice papers. This is a key exam revision technique, whether you are studying for your SATs, GCSEs, A-Levels or even your degree.

You can get hold of practice papers through the websites of qualification awarding ...

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How to deal with exam stress

by Emily

It doesn't matter how old you are or whether you're taking SATs, GCSEs or A-levels - exam stress can affect everybody. It is completely natural and understandable that you would suffer from stress: after all, there's a lot of work to be done, and your exam results can have a huge bearing on your fut...

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