Blog Posts under Revision

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How to pass Maths GCSE

by Anita Naik

GCSE maths is a core subject that you need to pass as it's a must-have for higher education qualifications, universities, apprenticeships and a wide range of careers.

Passing maths GCSE requires knowledge of various mathematical basics, as well as more advanced maths theory. The following are all c...

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How to Succeed If You Have To Cram For A Test

by Christine Chadwick

You should always do everything within your power to avoid cramming for a test: schedule study time every week, partner with someone who will keep you accountable, visit the teacher during office hours to ask questions about the material - whatever it takes. However, there are some times where you s...

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10 Ways to Catch Up Academically on the Weekend

by Sarah Adams

Too many students are overwhelmed by their first breath of freedom. With dropout rates at 30% after just one year at university . We've put together some tips to help you prepare for exams all year round.

Your workload will include taking notes in lectures (pro tip: write them longhand) (pro tip: d...

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Verbal Reasoning. What is it and why is it important?

by Anna Michaelidou

When we hear the words 'Verbal Reasoning' our minds automatically jump to the eleven plus tests that school children sit in various parts of England for a place at a grammar school. But Verbal Reasoning is not just used for the eleven plus. It is also used by many employers to test the skills of the...

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Revision Courses

by Sara

With less than two months before exams are here again, many students will be looking for revision courses to boost their chances of obtaining the grades they dream of.

What are revision courses?

Revision courses can provide students taking core subjects, a well-organised and highly structured cour...

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