Blog Posts under Learning

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8 tips to keep your child academically minded over the summer holidays

by Anna Michaelidou

Summer holidays are great! A time where children don't have to think about school and homework and a time for lots of fun and relaxation. But long periods away from school can often lead to what researchers call "Brain Drain"; where children lose valuable knowledge and skills.

Keeping your ch...

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7 great ideas for outdoor learning

by Anna Michaelidou

All children can benefit greatly from spending time in the natural environment. Any learning that is done outdoors will support the development of healthy and active lifestyles whilst offering children the opportunity to express themselves freely and improve their physical state.

Outdoor learning...

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4 reasons why kids should study Shakespeare

by Anna Michaelidou

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.

- William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

William Shakespeare is known by many people as the 'father of English Literature'. Almost four centuries have passed since Shakespeare ...

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The 7 vital traits of a successful tutor

by Anna Michaelidou

Tutoring is a fast growing and often much needed addition to a child's education and comes with great responsibility. A private tutor is hired to provide a student with any extra support that they may need and to:

Build a student's confidence Help improve study skills Provide relevant and nec...Read more ›

#SummerKidsRead - First Tutors Competition

by Anna Michaelidou

Summer is coming! And how many of us are looking forward to lounging on the beach with the sun beaming down on us and our favourite book in our hands? Our kids on the other hand are looking forward to six weeks of no lessons, fun days out and as little school-work as possible.

We all know tha...

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