Blog Posts under Advice

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Private tuition for the gifted child

by Sara

Gifted children are natural learners, they may have an eye for important detail are often inquisitive, yet sceptical too. They have a curiosity to seek information for its own sake whether useful or not! You may find that the gifted child likes to read on their own, often preferring books written fo...

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GCSE and A-Level exam revision resources

by Sara

Many students will be revising for exams during the next few weeks so we have listed a few sites that provide useful resources and revision material for GCSE and A-Level exams.

GCSE and A-Level Maths

Exam Solutions is a very popular site with endless resources for GCSE and A-Level students.

Get R...

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From Primary to Secondary School: The big step!

by Sara

The move from primary school to secondary school is a big step for your child. The secure and perhaps small environment of primary school where your child may feel like a big fish in a small pond will suddenly be exchanged for a large school building that can seem quite intimidating to many children...

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Why Desire Still Matters: Loving What you’re learning and Learning What you Love

by Sara

Many modern students look at higher education primarily as a means to an end. If you ask any student on a college campus why they're there, chances are they'll tell you it's because they want to improve their qualification for a job, preferably one that includes status and monetary value. Although f...

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Word power - 10 tips to improve vocabulary

by Sara

Words gradually enter a person's vocabulary over a long period of time. Having an extensive vocabulary can aid with expression and communication. Using accurate, strong and descriptive vocabulary in an English GCSE exam will help you gain extra marks!

Below are a few tips to help you extend your vo...

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