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Six Situations That Signal a Private School May Be a Better Fit

by Grace Dickins

Learning environments are not one-size-fits-all. What works for one child may not suit another. So, how do you know which type of school will best suit your child? Consider these six reasons that private school may be right for your child.

1. Your Child Likes Individualized Attention

According to ...

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Six Productive Ways to Spend Free Time in High School

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

Free time may seem hard to come by, but you may occasionally find yourself with extra time on your hands. You could just grab the remote and see what's new on TV. Instead, consider these six strategic ways to spend free time.

1. Get Lost in a Book

Step away from your smart phone, and pick up a boo...

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What is the CAS When Earning an IB Diploma?

by Grace Dickins

Accepted by universities around the world and valued for its interdisciplinary curriculum, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB) assesses student strengths in six subjects. It also has three core requirements: Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS). Let's take a closer look at this req...

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Five Things to Do 30 Days before the IB Exam

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

So, you've got exactly one month to prepare for the International Baccalaureate (IB) exam. If that sounds like plenty of time, think again: you've got your work cut out for you. After all, this test not only assesses your core academic knowledge; it also tests for your international perspective and ...

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Understanding Literary Devices: Allegory, Alliteration, Allusion

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

Authors use a variety of literary devices to make the complexities of plot, narrative, and character development memorable in their writing. Although the techniques can seem somewhat complicated at times, they are frequently used as a shortcut to create a picture or explain a concept clearly.


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