Brush up on your English grammar

by Sarah Adams

English was taught very thoroughly in the distant past. However, by the time many of us went to school, the way that English language was taught began to change. Many schools placed less of an emphasis on correct grammar, choosing instead to allow pupils to express themselves without their commas in the right places. However a knowledge and effective execution of these principles can put you at a great advantage, and an English tutor can help provide you with these crucial tools that are so often overlooked elsewhere.

Unfortunately, many people are very confused when it comes to English grammar. This has two main knock-on effects. Firstly, their own written English may seem sloppy. Secondly, they may be unable to help their own children with their English homework.

A good command of English grammar can help you to communicate more effectively with people and can help you to appear more professional when writing to clients, colleagues and other people with whom you have dealings.

Why not try the English Grammar Test?

First Tutors has a range of tutors across the country who can help you brush up on your English grammar. Why not browse our site for one near you?

Tags: Grammar
Categories: English